Thursday, October 22, 2009

3D Animation Midterm

This video is pretty self-explanatory when watching the introduction (or at least I hope it is!) However, The video was assigned for a two week Midterm project by Mike McCarthy for the first level of 3D Animation.

The Animation is a Ghoulish Zombie in a doctor's waiting room, waiting for his turn to go in and see the doctor. The setting is supposed to be a pretty dark waiting room, almost a "Hell-ish" waiting room. Once I have more time to play with the lights, texture the walls better as well as the floor, I feel as though it should pick up the animation greatly.

1 comment:

  1. And I just noticed this now, but I hope this is just on this computer's settings, but the video seems extremely dark, farrr darker than the rendered version I have for my copy.
